Lo-fi photography and type by Elecktra Stanislava A message from the Make Oklahoma Weirder team: thisSnapshot was originally captured in 2021 and is being released as partof MOW’s......Read More
OKC’s resident pink-hued four-piece gets playfully weird on new single Yes, stepmom identifies as an all-female band. The quartet’s aesthetic and imagery are thinly veiled commentary of ge...Read More
What Scatter Girls! lacks in melody the band makes up for in awesome unintelligibility. There is something powerful in the way lead woman Olivia Woodall’s voice peaks through......Read More
Our Choose Your Own Interview triple pilot continues with Kat Lock! There’s a healthy discussion of the Norman area singer-songwriter & rock band frontwoman’s most recent EP, You......Read More
Oklahoma has seen a number of music festivals springing up in recent years with a focus on female-identifying artists. From OKC’s AMP Fest to Tulsa’s MisFEST The latest......Read More
“At that first rehearsal, I was like, ‘Peace out! This sounds terrible! I don’t want to be a part of this!’” violinist Morgan Ward said, recounting the beginnings......Read More