Jarvix’s Big 50: The Best Local Music of 2016

Blog editor Evan here–

This was a big year for local music, and it’s just one of many in a decade that is proving to be unlike any other. The more I wade into the waters of bands and shows, the more I realize just how much has yet to be discovered. I went to dozens and dozens of concerts, met all sorts of new artists, and listened to literally hundreds of albums this year, and I STILL have a laundry list of music to experience.

I wanted to do something a little different from the standard Top 10 list for 2016. In an effort to incorporate the wide variety of music I’ve encountered from artists both new and established, I’ve expanded my year-end list to 50. I’ve also separated the formats into categories, which helps spotlight all of the EPs that have come out that would normally be overshadowed by bigger full-length releases. Even so, it was a challenge to narrow such a bustling year into just 50 reviews, and there is a lot of music I wish I could have included, but alas.

Note that this collection of mini reviews will represent what I define as local music, not Oklahoma music. The difference? You can move away from Oklahoma and still say you’re an Oklahoma artist, but you can’t really say that you’re a local artist anymore.

This means I won’t be talking about artists like Parker Millsap, Corey Kent White, Skating Polly or ADDverse Effects. Of course, these musicians put out landmark releases this year, so definitely make sure to check them out. For the purposes of this list, though, which hopes to spotlight the talent in our back yard, I’ve decided to focus just on the artists living and making music here. (If an artist put out music here and then moved, that is still eligible.)

Also, anything I have had personal involvement with will be ineligible as well, for ethical reasons. (This includes Nostalgia and The BrainSick Fever, by the way)

With that said, these are my picks for the most interesting, most exciting, and all around best albums, EPs, and singles that Oklahoma put out in 2016. Here’s to another year of great local releases!

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aka Jarvix, the Chief Executive Weirdo of Make Oklahoma Weirder. His out-of-the-box music coverage has been published by the Oklahoma Gazette, KOSU, and The Oklahoman among others. He also makes DIY music as a solo multi-instrumentalist live looper in his spare time.

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