Snapshots: Kat Lock

Photography and type by Elecktra Stanislava A message from the Make Oklahoma Weirder team: this...

Snapshots: Free Association

Photography and type by Elecktra Stanislava A message from the Make Oklahoma Weirder team: this...

Top 9 Singles of 2019

Chief Executive Weirder Evan Jarvicks counts down his favorite local singles of 2019 A message from...

Album Review: Songs for Birds and Bats by doubleVee

The ever strange Allan & Barb Vest continue to push rock music into absurdist niches while...


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OKC Metro
Weird Pick

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OKC Metro
All Ages Pick

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Beyond the Metro Pick

event info here

(more shows here)

Whether by Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or some other crowdfunding platform, there’s almost always a local musician trying to raise the capital needed for an upcoming music endeavor, and you might get some cool, unique perks for your support!