‘Red Brick’ Unites: Summer Concert Series Brings Folks Together in Relaxing Downtown Guthrie

Tyler Hopkins performing at July’s highly-attended Red Brick Nights Since its kickoff in May...

Food Truck Tunes: Delmar Gardens Works to Find Its Voice Through Live Music Events

Delmar Gardens Food Truck Park is the latest addition to Oklahoma City’s ever-growing Farmers...

The Happily Entitled’s Catchy Pop/Rock Debut Shows Its Youth but Wears It Well

The Happily Entitled’s debut EP, Preface, offers some genuinely catchy songs in a style that...

Singles Grab Bag #3

It’s summer in Oklahoma City, which means a slew of great new local music and festivals around...


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OKC Metro
Weird Pick

event info here

OKC Metro
All Ages Pick

event info here

Beyond the Metro Pick

event info here

(more shows here)

Whether by Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or some other crowdfunding platform, there’s almost always a local musician trying to raise the capital needed for an upcoming music endeavor, and you might get some cool, unique perks for your support!